By Clarence Kwan, National Managing Partner, Chinese Services Group, Deloitte LLP; and Karl P. Sauvant, Executive Director, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, Columbia University (Aug 10)
Chinese FDI in the United States is estimated at US$5-7 billion through end of 2009.
By Aaron Brickman, Director of Invest In America (Aug 10)
Foreign investors are encouraged to invest in the United States — the world’s most important global market.
By Robert Hess, Executive Managing Director, and Rajeev Thakur, Managing Director, Newmark Knight Frank Global Corporate Services Practice, Location Strategy and Optimization Practice (Aug 10)
Global economic uncertainty has presented investment risks, but the United States remains a strong outlet for foreign direct investment.
By Philip Schneider and Jayanth Iyengar, GEO Location Strategy and Site Selection Team, Deloitte Consulting LLP (Aug 10)
Foreign investors need to understand the impact of incentives on their investments in the United States.
Record high U.S. unemployment rates have given those investing in the United States more choice than ever in selecting staff.
by Andy Mace, Consulting Managing Principal, Cushman & Wakefield Business Consulting (Aug10)
Development agencies are an indispensable tool to foreign investors seeking a site in the United States.
by Daniel P. Malone, Director of Asian Client Initiatives; Wayne D. Roberts, Co-Leader Tax Practice Group; and Andrew M. Steiger, Tax Group Associate, Dykema (Aug 10)
Foreign businesses can prepare for profits in America by being savvy about U.S. tax policies, legal statutes, and political climate.
Arkansas' diverse industries - from telecommunications to food processing - is attracting foreign investment to the state.
Delaware, located between New York and Washington, D.C., has strong bioscience and pharmaceutical clusters, and is developing renewable technologies.
Over the past decade, Metro Atlanta has attracted impressive international investments and proven itself to be a global, cosmopolitan city.
Iowa is a leader in the upper Midwest and home to traditional industries such as agriculture, as well as high-tech giants Google and Microsoft.
Minnesota is business-friendly not only to homegrown companies including General Mills, 3M, and Medtronic, but the foreign businesses Suzlon Rotor Corp., Essar Global Ltd., and Daikin Industries.
Harrison County's strategic location on Mississippi's Gulf Coast offers a wealth of transportation options and vibrant industry clusters backed by some of the world's biggest corporations.
With its central location in the United States, Missouri has many transportation options, along with a diversified economy and specialties in animal health, plant science, financial services, and agribusiness.
Greater Topeka - named to Kiplinger's 10 Cities for the Next Decade - has continued to grow even in the midst of a national economic decline.
Cincinnati USA represents Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, and is drawing international business attention for its central location, innovation, and quality of life.
With its central location in the United States, Missouri has many transportation options, along with a diversified economy and specialties in animal health, plant science, financial services, and agribusiness.
Oklahoma's central location - making it equidistant from New York City, Toronto, Mexico City, and Los Angeles - and its pro-business environment are attracting foreign investments.
At the central crossroads of I-35, I-44, and I-40, Oklahoma is positioned to welcome international businesses, especially to its strong aerospace, renewable energy, and bioscience sectors.
Tulsa is attracting businesses with its industry clusters, infrastructure, and work force, and many media outlets are taking note.
South Carolina began recruiting European companies in the 1960s, and continues to be a site of foreign direct investment today.
Cotton was once king in western Tennessee, but new industries - including plastics, automotives, aviation, and food processing - are laying claim to the crown.
Lubbock, Texas, has a ready work force, thanks to Texas Tech University and South Plains College, and a growing employer base that includes American and Mexican companies.
Foreign companies such as Japan's Wako Chemical USA, France's Alstom Power, and Taiwan's Eternal Technologies are just some that have selected Greater Richmond, Virginia.
Mark Crawford (Dec/Jan 10)
Just like beauty, quality of life is in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to choosing a location, it’s a minor consideration for some. But for others, it makes all the difference.
Michelle Cammarata, Vice President, Workforce & Location Planning, CresaPartners (Oct/Nov 09)
From new business incentives to hand-to-hand combat, smaller cities are competing in this recession; but a community’s size — large or small — does not tell all.
U.S. Investment News (06/26/09)
Hisense Corporation USA plans to expand its North American headquarters in Gwinnett County, Georgia . . .
U.S. Investment News (06/26/09)
Berliner Seilfabrik has chosen Greenville, South Carolina, for its new U.S. sales and distribution operations . . .
By Michael Kaiser and Joshua Timberlake, Deloitte Consulting LLP (Jul 08)
The United States continues to offer significant appeal for foreign direct investment, though the opportunities vary greatly depending on the objectives of individual companies.
By Andy Mace, Principal, and Woody Hydrick, Associate Principal, Cushman & Wakefield Business Consulting — Global Supply Chain Solutions Group (Jul 08)
Today’s business dialogue surrounding international ventures is full of progressive axioms such as “the world is flat,” “business knows no borders,” and “we live in the global marketplace.” While these ideas at a certain level are true, the persisting reality for expanding businesses today is often the old adage, “the devil is in the details.”
Contributed by Ernst & Young (Jul 08)
Managing risk around selecting a new business location such as a corporate headquarters, a new data center, or a manufacturing facility is a critical process that will help to ensure that the chosen location meets immediate business requirements — and addresses the long-term objectives of the company and its employees.