By Clarence Kwan, National Managing Partner, Chinese Services Group, Deloitte LLP; and Karl P. Sauvant, Executive Director, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, Columbia University (Aug 10)
Chinese FDI in the United States is estimated at US$5-7 billion through end of 2009.
Record high U.S. unemployment rates have given those investing in the United States more choice than ever in selecting staff.
By Aaron Brickman, Director of Invest In America (Aug 10)
Foreign investors are encouraged to invest in the United States — the world’s most important global market.
Iowa is a leader in the upper Midwest and home to traditional industries such as agriculture, as well as high-tech giants Google and Microsoft.
Greater Topeka - named to Kiplinger's 10 Cities for the Next Decade - has continued to grow even in the midst of a national economic decline.
Tulsa is attracting businesses with its industry clusters, infrastructure, and work force, and many media outlets are taking note.
South Carolina began recruiting European companies in the 1960s, and continues to be a site of foreign direct investment today.
Lubbock, Texas, has a ready work force, thanks to Texas Tech University and South Plains College, and a growing employer base that includes American and Mexican companies.
Mark Crawford (Feb/Mar 10)
Companies that take advantage of customized work-force development programs across the South have found success.
Jennifer LeClaire (Feb/Mar 10)
Fuel cell industry is on cusp of green economy with jobs awaiting.
Michelle Cammarata, Vice President, Workforce & Location Planning, CresaPartners (Oct/Nov 09)
From new business incentives to hand-to-hand combat, smaller cities are competing in this recession; but a community’s size — large or small — does not tell all.
By Richard L. Ferguson, CEO and Chairman, ACT, Inc. (Jul 08)
There are two substantial challenges involved when opening a facility within the U.S. market: discovering which skills are required for specific jobs, and finding labor pools that match the skills needed to fill those jobs.