By Aaron Brickman, Director of Invest In America (Aug 10)
Foreign investors are encouraged to invest in the United States — the world’s most important global market.
By Robert Hess, Executive Managing Director, and Rajeev Thakur, Managing Director, Newmark Knight Frank Global Corporate Services Practice, Location Strategy and Optimization Practice (Aug 10)
Global economic uncertainty has presented investment risks, but the United States remains a strong outlet for foreign direct investment.
By Philip Schneider and Jayanth Iyengar, GEO Location Strategy and Site Selection Team, Deloitte Consulting LLP (Aug 10)
Foreign investors need to understand the impact of incentives on their investments in the United States.
by Andy Mace, Consulting Managing Principal, Cushman & Wakefield Business Consulting (Aug10)
Development agencies are an indispensable tool to foreign investors seeking a site in the United States.
by Daniel P. Malone, Director of Asian Client Initiatives; Wayne D. Roberts, Co-Leader Tax Practice Group; and Andrew M. Steiger, Tax Group Associate, Dykema (Aug 10)
Foreign businesses can prepare for profits in America by being savvy about U.S. tax policies, legal statutes, and political climate.
Area Development Online Research Desk (Nov 09)
The global PV (photovoltaic) industry is entering a period of dramatic transformation.
Richard K. Greene, Senior Associate, The Williams Group Real Estate Advisors (Nov 09)
As the economy recovers, one particularly bright spot will be manufacturing for the renewable energy industry, which is already enjoying healthy popular and government support.
From Invest in America (6-24-2009)
This document contains federal incentives and programs available to investors in the United States based on research conducted by Invest in America staff.
From U.S. Department of Treasury (Feb 09)
This document provides guidance to U.S. Businesses and foreign persons that are parties to transactions that are covered by section 721 of the Defense Production Act of 1950.
By John Hindman Secretary, Cabinet for Economic Development, Commonwealth of Kentucky (Jul 08)
To a foreign-owned company, the process of locating a business investment in the United States presents a significant challenge. While there may be a market for that company’s products or services, the establishment of a business presence in the United States can be a complex undertaking.
Organization for International Investment (Jul 08)
Insourcing by foreign companies, i.e., supporting American jobs, represents an integral part of the U.S. economy. Every year, foreign companies and their U.S. subsidiaries announce plans for hundreds of new projects in the United States, known as greenfield projects.